Monday, September 20, 2010

Ready for 'School'

36 Weeks, Party Time

Juliana turned ONE so of course we went to celebrate!

Cayden and Juliana checking each other out

A cold juice box does wonders for a teething little boy!

Cake Time!
Striking a pose; oh so beautiful!

35 Weeks; ZOO

Cayden had his first experience at the zoo with his Grammie
Ready to start our day

We saw lots of Monkeys...

... And Alligators


The Giraffe were his favorite. Cayden wouldn't take his eyes off of them!

Cayden and his Grammie

Having fun picking out a friend to take home
We had a great day!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Newspaper...

The newspaper used to be neatly stacked on a chair...
And then Cayden came along...
He was so occupied just crinkling the pages

8 Months Old!

Uh Oh! :)
So, Cayden has discovered our stairs...
We can put him in the family room with his toys, and he will crawl very purposefully around the corner and straight to the stairs.
Cayden has made it all the the way to the top!
It's an easy way to use up his energy
(with someone following right behind him of course!)

34 Weeks; Playtime

Cayden recently got some new 'Big-Boy' toys.

Checking out the playhouse

His first experience on a slide

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Family BBQ

My family recently had their
annual Hawaiian BBQ.
This year the entertainment was a
Wii bowling tournament.
Kyle and I lost our first two games;
taking us out of the running.
But...Billy and Uncle Steve did great and won the whole thing!
Billy was proud of his trophy he got to take home

My mom and her sisters

Cayden and Juliana hadn't seen each other
since Easter;
It was fun to see how much they had changed!
This is the only pic we captured
with both of them looking :)

They were so not interested in each other!
They both kept turning away

Cayden with Nana and Mommy

Not too sure what he is thinking in this picture!

Uncle Bryan with cousins; Stacie and Kyle