Friday, January 21, 2011


Our 'baby boy' is already a year old! It's amazing how many changes have happened this past year; Cayden is always learning new things. Now he has started walking and saying his first words.

We were decorating and neadless to say, Cayden likes to climb.
He decided that the ladder in the middle of the room must have been put there just for him.
He went all the way to the top on his own!
Of course Daddy was close by just in case.

Cayden loves balloons!
So we got pleanty for the party

It was great to have so many people there, who care about Cayden to celebrate his special day.

Gift Time

Lucky for us, he has No Idea what that really is!

'Happy Birthday To You'
Birthday Cake was Cayden's very first dessert!

Cake Time!

Cayden got to enjoy a 2nd round of
Birthday Cake.
A friend of ours came to our house and captured
some great pictures.
It'll probably be the last chocolate he gets for a long time.
At least when mom is around :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Last Pictures of 2010

Christmas Day

Cayden exploring his stocking
After spending some time at home, we went to Nana and Papa's house to exchange gifts with them

'Oh my gosh; it's what I always wanted!'

For Christmas dinner everyone came to our house for a big meal

Cayden with his Grammie and Nana

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Checkin out 'Santa'

Christmas with Relatives

The week before Christmas we celebrated with cousins and relatives from my side of the family.
The guys...
And the girls...
Cayden giving me a big slobbery kiss :)

Cayden and Juliana had fun together
She insisted on giving Cayden hugs and sitting in his lap :)

Christmas help

Cayden was 'helping' us out with the ornaments...

And checking if the tree needed more water...

Not sure what we ever did without his help :)