Saturday, October 22, 2011


I just thought these were funny.

Maybe it'll give those of you who have grown children, a little reminder of what it's like to have a little helper around.

Cayden was thrilled when I started emptying the dishwasher, and decided he needed to help me.

He actually started out really well. I put him incharge of stacking the plastic plates
But...he soon decided he needed some cups too; I gave him a few. (Hey he was occupied and I was putting the other dishes away)
He just stacked and unstacked everything over and over and over again!
So proud of the cup-tower he made all by himself!
I guess he got bord of that, because then he moved to the floor. So much for clean dishes :) I gave everything a quick re-wash during naptime

Oh...the joy of little helpers ;)


Cayden had some fun painting his punkin today

...Really getting into it!

...Not so sure about the 'eeeww' on his fingers. Cayden tried to get it off his hands by wiping the paint on his tummy, and then was frustrated when his tummy was dirty.

Fun times :)

Bath Time!

New Shoes

Last week Billy came around the corner to find that Cayden had put both of my shoes on, and was trying to walk around in them.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Cayden had a fun time with his buddy Juliana, at her 2nd birthday party


Cayden had his first experience with a worm.

Too bad the worm probably didn't have as good of a time as Cayden did!