Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Chilly Days

All Bundled Up For A Chilly Day!
Cayden thought it was sooo funny he dressed himself in Daddy's hat and gloves :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


...just a short clip of our sweet boy talking about 'Jesus'

Translation : "Jesus...that's Jesus Mama. That's Jesus. Jesus!"

Ok, so this was just one of those funny pictures that I had to share. Cayden really wanted to take the dog on a walk!

He found his hat and glasses (upside down), put on shoes (daddy's), and grabbed the leash

:) just makes me smile


Cayden had a blast at the Harvest Carnival at church

Cayden was a little Thai boy this year.

We had gotten him a different costume but the cowboy chaps were too scary to put on :)

So...he wore the outfit that Billy brought back from Thailand.

Lots of fun; playing games and winning candy for mom and dad!

Happy Halloween!

Pumpkin Patch

The week of Halloween we took Cayden to a Pumpkin Patch to explore the pumpkins

It was amazing to look back at last years pictures and see how much Cayden had changed!

The tractor was way more exciting to Cayden than the pumpkins

Last year vs this year

Last year Cayden wasn't too sure about all those pumpkins...

and this year...

still not too crazy about them touching him :)
...'maybe if I'm really still they won't get me'...


...'ok, not working...I'm done'