Monday, March 19, 2012


The boys took advantage of a sunny, but very windy day to go fly a kite

Pizza Chef

Papa Murphey's Came up with a new 'Mini-Murphs' Pizza Kit
It comes with pizza dough, sauce, cheese and pepperoni.
Cayden had so much fun making his own dinner!
Into the oven!

We're Having A . . .

Meet Our Baby Girl!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

It's A . . . .

And It's A . . . . . .
(Coming Soon)!

Weekend Art Project

We try to come up with little art projects or activities for Cayden to do on the weekends.
The latest project we did was

Of course getting messy is half the fun!Here they are!

Valentine's Day!

Here is our favorite little Valentine.
He made a 'love-bug' hat at school :)