Tuesday, May 29, 2012


We all had a fun time at John's Incredible Pizza for Papa's Birthday! 
Cayden had a blast playing with the games (even without tokens ) 

Monday, May 28, 2012

In the Kitchen

Cayden and I had a fun time making some yummy treats!
We made 'rice-krispie' treats but with cheerios and trix
 Measuring the ingredients (mostly) all by himself
 Spreading the gooey mixture in the pan
And Finally getting to try them. 
Cayden thought they were amazing!


Cayden showing off some of his art projects from school. 
 He made a rocket ship and sparkly star for his space unit.
And also a vegetable garden

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sunny Days

 Enjoying a sunny warm day at Nana and Papa's house

Valuable Time

Well, having a toddler boy means that independent and quiet activities rarely happen. 
This was great!

an old muffin pan
craft puff-balls

Cayden sat and played for a long time; and when he was done-he dumped them out and did it again! 

Independent Play
Quiet Time


 Cayden and Juliana were Best-Buddies at Easter
 Checkin' out the goodies

Cayden convinced Uncle Chris to blow bubbles with him

 The kiddos playing in the tree fort

Nana and Great Grandma Jan

A few more