Thursday, June 28, 2012

Homemade ICE CREAM

 Well, Cayden and I made a new recipe.  
Banana Ice Cream

Ingredients:  Banana

That's all!  Cayden loved it.  Looks just like real ice cream but tastes like banana! 
The perfect Summer 'Treat' that is healthy for any time of day!  

Family Camping

At the beginning of June we joined Nana, Papa, Uncle Chris and Uncle Bryan for a fun camping trip at Lake Don Pedro. 
Cayden had a blast! 

 The weather was a bit windy, so we spent a lot of time relaxing and playing around the campsite.
 Just bein' boys; playing in the dirt

 The biggest hit for Cayden was looking for BUGS!
Can you believe we actually had a hard time finding any?
 Finally cought one!

 Rockin' out and dancing
 Taking a fun ride in Papa's boat

 Cayden camping at Don Pedro last year
and this year
He changed so much!

Hot Summer Day

 Enjoying a hot summer day!
Popsicle and a dip in the pool

 We found green-beans growing in our garden!
We also got to try out our first ripe strawberry!

Saturday, June 23, 2012


One of the down-sides of a new home is having no landscaping.
With Cayden being much more active and his sister on the way; we were finally motivated to finish the back. 
 First was the planter box
 The boys laying stones and  bark
 Cayden loved being out back and helping Daddy!

 Staining the trim.
And finally time for plants!