So, I've been trying to take lots of picture and share them as often as I have time for.
It's a little tricky because one of these guys seems to either need to eat, or nap, or get a diaper changed, or have a snack, or go potty, or wants a playmate. :)
So, between those times, when both kiddos are content - I take pictures! :)
Cayden of course wanted to get in on the action too!
Hmmm...I think this is what people mean when they say that you learn to accept some mess in the house; in order to relax a little and enjoy your kids.
Normally toys out like this is no ok, but Cayden was playing quietly by himself and Kiley wanted to be held - so it was working out well!
This is her
'Mommy, I'm tired, put me to sleep face'
'Mommy, I'm tired, put me to sleep face'