Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Girl's Day!

A couple weeks ago, my mom and I had a 'Girls' Day'.
We went to Dream Dinners, which is a company where you make freezer meals for your family; they supply EVERYTHING and then Clean Up after you!
Each station is stocked with ingredients for different recipes and step-by-step directionsMaking some delicious creations!We started our own little assembly line; making smaller portions for each of our families and larger ones for whole-family dinner nightsAnd we ended up leaving with a cooler FULL of freezer meals, plus a bag full!We had a blast!
My mom and I love to cook anyway, but it was a special treat to go to a place like this where there is no prep-work or clean-up, and we left with lots of food for quick weeknight dinners!

Boy's Day!

So, while mom and I were away making meals, the boys enjoyed some 'guy time'
Billy took Cayden to the PD for a bit; to check out the police cars~
What Little Boy wouldn't love this?!


We went to Chevy's to celebrate Mommy's Birthday. Cayden adopted the hat they gave out.
It's Funny- he will put it on and then go about playing with his toys

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Our Birthday Boy Just Turned 2!!We started off the day with Cayden's favorite Breakfast- Pancakes.
Of course Cayden wanted to help Daddy!
The boys even snuck in some chocolate chipsThose pancakes are in the shape of a '2' in case you couldn't tell :)Later we took Cayden for his 2 Year Old pictures. He was so good!
Next Up for the Birthday Boy -
We took Cayden to pick out a toy at Toys-R-Us
And what does he pick?! A Vacuum!
LOL! And he loves it!
Too bad we didn't get him a real one instead
Daddy wanted a toy too :) He picked MotorcyclesLater...Off to Nana and Papa's house for Cupcakes! No, the oven isn't hot. It was only a hiding place untill after dinner.Singing 'Happy Birthday' and 'blowing' out the candles :)YUMM-O!And of course - Presents!Happy Birthday Cayden!

Monday, February 6, 2012


Cayden had so much fun with his cousin Juliana.
To me, this picture says it all! The fun and laughter of 2 two year olds!
~Cake Time~'Happy Birthday to me! And Great-Grandma Jan!'Did we mention that Cayden is a Big Brother?!

Birthday Freebies!

So, companies are more than willing to give you free things on your birthday if you just register on their website.
We did this for Cayden and basically had month-long freebie certificates for fun surprises.
Baskin Robins!
FREE - Scoop of Ice Cream
FREE - Wacky Pack Kids Meal -Fudrucker's gives a FREE burger to the Birthday Boy (or girl)
-Arby's is a FREE Shake
-K-Mart has a FREE birthday fun pack
And there are lots more too! These are just the ones we used.
We love FREE :)

Fun at the Park

Church Pic

We went for our church directory pictures in November. The pic of the three of us didn't turn out too great because Cayden was still nervous of the photographer and didn't smile.
But he warmed up for the group shot!

Christmas Catch-Up

Ok, Ok. So I know I have been absolutely terrible about keeping up to date on the blog during December!
We just did so much, had lots of fun and took tons of pictures; that it was just overwhelming to blog it all. And now that it's February! I feel bad to just 'skip' over Christmas.
So, here is a sampler of our month!

Cayden, of course, wanted to be in on all the action of Christmas decorations! He helped daddy pick out the tree, and even put the star on.
He had his own little tree this year too. Cayden had fun decorating it with his own special ornaments!
Cayden showing off his Rudolph hat he made at schoolAnd Christmas time means lots of baking! My mom and I bake every year, and this year we had Cayden's help too :) Christmas Morning!
Cayden totally ignored the other gifts when he saw his new kitchen :)
I guess it was a good choice
Cayden and Daddy delivering gifts to Nana, Papa, Uncle Chris, and Uncle BryanChristmas Morning!YUP! Cayden is a BIG BROTHER!
We started announcing to family on Christmas morning with the reveal of Cayden's new shirtAnd lots of yummy food!
Cayden enjoyed just looking in the oven window and saying 'Turkey, Turkey'!