Ok, Ok. So I know I have been absolutely terrible about keeping up to date on the blog during December!
We just did so much, had lots of fun and took tons of pictures; that it was just overwhelming to blog it all. And now that it's February! I feel bad to just 'skip' over Christmas.
So, here is a sampler of our month!
Cayden, of course, wanted to be in on all the action of Christmas decorations! He helped daddy pick out the tree, and even put the star on.
He had his own little tree this year too. Cayden had fun decorating it with his own special ornaments!
Cayden showing off his Rudolph hat he made at schoolAnd Christmas time means lots of baking! My mom and I bake every year, and this year we had Cayden's help too :) Christmas Morning!
Cayden totally ignored the other gifts when he saw his new kitchen :)
I guess it was a good choice