Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Our Birthday Boy Just Turned 2!!We started off the day with Cayden's favorite Breakfast- Pancakes.
Of course Cayden wanted to help Daddy!
The boys even snuck in some chocolate chipsThose pancakes are in the shape of a '2' in case you couldn't tell :)Later we took Cayden for his 2 Year Old pictures. He was so good!
Next Up for the Birthday Boy -
We took Cayden to pick out a toy at Toys-R-Us
And what does he pick?! A Vacuum!
LOL! And he loves it!
Too bad we didn't get him a real one instead
Daddy wanted a toy too :) He picked MotorcyclesLater...Off to Nana and Papa's house for Cupcakes! No, the oven isn't hot. It was only a hiding place untill after dinner.Singing 'Happy Birthday' and 'blowing' out the candles :)YUMM-O!And of course - Presents!Happy Birthday Cayden!